Suggested Catholic Aid Agencies:

Catholic Near East Welfare Association: Amidst the upheavals and challenges of the modern world, CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association) has been a lifeline for those in need throughout the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern...
Pope Calls for Aid to Famine Victims in Africa

Pope Calls for Aid to Famine Victims in Africa

02 Aug 2011 – by Catholic News Service CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — Christians cannot be indifferent to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people starving in the Horn of Africa, Pope Benedict XVI said. “It is inadmissible to be indifferent in the face of the...


GOSPEL: MATTHEW 9:27-35 When Jesus departed from there, two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Son of David, have mercy on us! And when He had come into the house, the blind men came to Him. And Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do...
Patriarch Sviatoslav Speaks His Mind

Patriarch Sviatoslav Speaks His Mind

During the first three months of his rule, the new head of the UGCC gave more than a dozen interviews on various issues of church life. For leaders the first 100 days is a time for reflection, a period for making conclusions. On this occasion, RISU journalists and the...
Venerable Macrina the Sister of St Basil the Great

Venerable Macrina the Sister of St Basil the Great

Saint Macrina was the sister of the holy hierarchs Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa, and was born in Cappadocia at the beginning of the fourth century. Her mother, Emilia, saw an angel in a dream, naming her unborn child Thekla, in honor of the holy Protomartyr...