Source: Soul Food: Notes for Living our Christian faith in modern times We should not kneel or make prostrations (poklony) from Easter Sunday (Pascha) to Pentecost. Kneeling and prostrating are postures of repentance for our sins. The brilliant solemnity of Christ’s...
The meaning of Pentacost in our lives today

The meaning of Pentacost in our lives today

Source: Soul Food: Notes for Living our Christian faith in modern times On the 50th day after Easter, we celebrate Pentecost (May 27), commemorating the Holy Spirit’s descent onto the Apostles. Jesus remained on Earth with His disciples for 40 days after His...

Child & Teen Camps in our Eparchy

•Camp Oselia Childrenʼs Camp: July 15th – 28th, ages 7-14, (Wabumun Lake), call Namisha or Millie Schietzsch (780) 424-5496, [email protected] • Camp Oselia Teen Camp: August 1-5, ages 13-18, (Wabumun Lake), call Namisha or Millie Schietzsch (780) 424-5496,...