Glory be to Jesus Christ!
Dear Reverend Clergy, Religious and Faithful
Re: Eparchial Sobor on Consecrated Life, April 28, 2011
From time to time, the Church gathers together the clergy, religious and laity to study, reflect and propose practical conclusions regarding a particular pastoral concern affecting the life and well being of its faithful.
In a given eparchy, such gatherings are called an Eparchial Sobor or Assembly.
As you will recall, in recent years, the Eparch of Edmonton has convoked three such Sobors: in 2001 – “Jesus Christ: Fountain of Rebirth;” in 2003 – “The Ukrainian Catholic Church in Alberta: 100 Years Later;” and in 2008 – “Evangelization and the Ukrainian Catholic Church – Following in the Footsteps of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs.”
In order to carry out better the mission of the Church, I have convoked a Sobor on Consecrated Life to take place on Bright Thursday, April 28, from 1:30 – 8:30 pm, at Saint Josaphat Cathedral Hall (Verkhovyna), Edmonton.
The theme of the Sobor is: “Starting Afresh From Christ – A Renewed Commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium,” based upon the Instruction issued by the Vatican Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
Earlier this year, the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic Church declared 2011 as the “Year of Consecrated Life,” highlighting the role women and men religious and monastics exercise in promoting the mission of the Church. In this light, a worldwide Patriarchal Sobor on Consecrated Life will take place in Prudentopolis, Brazil from August 31 – September 4.
The Eparchial Sobor will be include presentations by the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, the Basilian Order, and Monastics.
The program begins at 1:30 pm with a welcome and prayer, panel presentations and group discussion; followed by a Divine Liturgy, at which time the Holy Myrhh (Chrism used at the celebration of the Holy Mystery of Chrismation) will be distributed to each pastor accompanied by his parish/parish district delegates; and Banquet.
Those convoked to the Sobor are: all clergy, religious and monastics; representatives of eparchial lay organizations; and at least two lay delegates as designated by the pastor from each and every parish/parish district throughout the eparchy.
Pastors are requested to register their delegates with the Chancery Office by April 15. Registration fee: $30/delegate, which includes the Banquet.
In preparation for the Sobor, the clergy and faithful are encouraged to pray the special prayer for those in consecrated life, as prepared by the Patriarchal Sobor Committee.
Let us pray to the All Holy Trinity for guidance and blessings upon our upcoming Sobor.
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Rev. David Motiuk
Eparchial Bishop
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