The Eparchy of Edmonton has launched its 25 Year Pastoral Plan on the New Evangelization

     Over the past several years, the Eparchial Pastoral Council has embarked upon an ambitious endeavour in discerning and preparing a 25 Year Pastoral Plan for the Eparchy of Edmonton. The fruits of their labour are now complete.

     The 35 page document, entitled “Evangelization, A New Springtime – Encountering the Person of Christ,” and its accompanying 6 page summary and questions for reflection and action, will serve as a blueprint for long-term future pastoral planning and programming within the Eparchy.

     Bishop David called for the pastoral plan in a desire to discern where the Holy Spirit is calling us to be as Church twenty-five years from now, and how will we get there. The pastoral plan was launched on the Feast of the Annunciation, the Feast of the Good News; and the pastoral plan is Good News!

     The faithful are invited to download and read the document.